Supporting Baby Boomers

It’s inevitable, as we age our needs change. And that includes our housing needs – Supporting Baby Boomers has become top of mind for many of us. In fact, your parents are accustomed to having what they want when they want it.. However, being told it’s time to go is not something anyone wants to hear. 

Everyone wants a say when it comes time to choose their home and next steps. Boomers are all about having choices too. In fact, your parents are accustomed to having what they want when they want it. And for the entirety of their lives, they have told you what to do – it’s typically not the other way around. 

There’s a few choices your parents will have when it comes time to move, or not:

Supporting Baby Boomers Might Mean Aging in Place Vs. Moving to Meet Changing Needs:

Eighty percent of homeowners aged 50 and above want to spend their upcoming years in their current home, according to an AARP survey back in 2018. The good news is that there are increasing design options and experts to help.

If your parents choose to stay there are things you can do to assist:

  • Get them mobility tools
  • Fit their home with ramps, and alarms
  • Set up in home care providers

Choosing an Active-Aging Community or Building:

Despite active-aging communities generating buzz, those who gravitate toward them still represent a small percentage of the boomer population. 

It seems bigger because the boomer group is large, but it’s still a very small percentage.

The average age at move-in is 75, the extreme end of the boomer cohort. Most do so to gain low-maintenance, convenient living. They want out of their big house with some services provided and no restrictions on when they come and go, especially since some still work.

Not Matter What You Decide:

No matter what you and your parents decide, make sure there is a long term plan before it needs to be put in place. Give you and your parents time to adjust to the move and get ready to do the work of rightsizing and or finding people to support your parents staying put. This might include:

  • Nurses
  • Home care
  • Maintenances crew
  • Handyman
  • List goes on

If you need help supporting your parents do not hesitate to contact Gregg Bamford or Ryan Bamford.

Buying or Selling a Home?

Whatever your buying or selling needs or wants may be, we are available to sit down and work through a plan that works best for you and your family. Contact us to get started.