Curb Appeal For Your Spring Sale

Curb Appeal!

It is that time of year – the time that the snow is leaving. Change is in the air. Trees are blossoming. Grass will be turning green. That means – if you are selling your house, it’s time to start thinking about the curb appeal of your home. 

Your front home elevation is more than just a first impression. It’s the only impression available to just about all of your home’s potential buyers. So, make it a good one!

There are things you can do in order to spruce up the home on the outside to make it more appealing without breaking the bank. 

1) A Quick Clean Up For Easy Curb Appeal:

Simply cleaning out overgrown brush, trimming hedges, getting rid of weeds or growth showing through cracks, and adding a few new planters to your landscape can go a long way toward improving curb appeal at a very low cost. 

2) Painting:

Painting is a low cost high impact improvement that can greatly change how your space is viewed. If you have paint chips on your shutters, deck, rails, it puts a damper on the overall feel of your home. For a few hundred dollars you can create a warm, inviting feeling and make your space look and feel new. 

3) A New Welcome Mat & Door:

This comes with a little more cost (the door not the welcome mat), but adding a new front door or replacing windows in the entry can create a big impact and add a lot of value to your home. 

4) Lighting Is Great For Curb Appeal:

Creating a warm glow from the outside can improve the overall feel of your home! When you pull up to a cold looking, dark looking home, it does not give you a lot of confidence in the overall home. If you pull up to a home that has a warm glow, it looks light and inviting – you want to go in! Lighting can have a big impact on the first impression of your home. 

5) House Numbers:

This seems simple enough and it can be very inexpensive and can have a huge impact. There are websites where you can choose your font, size, and color of the numbers. There are sites you can simply go and purchase new house numbers in any dimensions you choose. 


As always, if you need help buying or selling or curb appealing your house do not hesitate to contact Gregg Bamford or Ryan Bamford.

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