1 (306) 227-3331 cell phone
#250–1820 8TH STREET E
Saskatoon SK, S7H 0T6
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Ryan is an experienced real estate professional who has worked with RE/MAX for 11 years. He specializes in residential real estate in Saskatoon and surrounding area. It's of the utmost importance to Ryan, that he understands his clients needs and always has their best interest in mind.
Ryan is always looking to do what is best for his clients. Although work is a very important aspect of his life he believes it is equally important to be involved in the community. Ryan also enjoys spending time on the golf course, playing recreational hockey and volunteering as the head coach for Mayfair School's KHL hockey team.
Family is also very important to Ryan and he is grateful for the relationship he has with his parents and brothers. As Saskatoon continues to develop, Ryan looks forward to calling it home.