Saskatoon’s August Housing Market update.
Over the last month in Saskatoon the market has seen an increase in sales and we are looking to a better fall market. Houses
have been selling within 96.1% of list price and they have stayed the same for average sale price.
The average time on a market is 60 days only because most people are trying to make up the for the price decrease over the
last couple years of 10%. If a property is priced to market value it is selling faster and for more money.
Our team has been selling on an average of 98.6% of list price and faster then market average. We believe the market prices
are going to stick for fall and have seen where they are going to level out.

As always, if you need help buying or selling your home please don’t hesitate to contact us at any time.
Gregg Bamford & Ryan Bamford