If you are buying a home this fall, you might miss some items that would have been more evident in the summer or spring months. Now that you know there are extra items to look at this fall, let’s get right to them!
1) The Air Conditioner:
If you are buying a home in the fall, it might not seem like a big deal because you will not need the appliance/utility until the summer, but you will still want to check it. If it is not working, or if it has issues, you will want to address this in your offer. Paying to fix an A/C unit, or buying a new one altogether, may end up costing you a lot of money.
Ask the homeowners if you can run it and see if it works in every room.
2) Look For Cracks
This is crucial any time you are looking for a house. Look for cracks in the foundation. Not all cracks are serious. Sometimes when concrete cures or dries it cracks, so it’s not uncommon for new homes to have some cracks along the foundation or in the floor slab.
If you are buying a new house, and there are cracks and the basement is unfinished leave it. You should let the house go through a few freeze-thaw cycles before you complete your home. This way, if more cracks show up, or the old ones get worse you can fix them without having to undo your hard work.

3) Look for Slopes & Water
First look at slopes directed towards the house. Is this a problem? Is water sitting around your house? If so, is it leaking into the basement?
Is the drive way slopped or inclined? Will this be problematic in the winter time if it is ice covered? Will this be a problem for your garage if there is heavy rain in your location?
Should any of these be a concern, talk to a professional. These do not have to be deal breakers for your dream house, just make sure you are aware of them and the affect they may have.

4) Check The Windows
Are the windows in your potential new home older? Do they open? If not, you may want to replace them immediately. Especially if winter is right around the corner.
If your windows are not triple pane and there is noise on the street, will this be problematic?

5) Explore Your Community
Do you and your children have everything you need? Is there a grocery store nearby, or will you always need your car? Are there schools, rinks, parks and amenities that make your life easier? Again, these are not deal breakers by any means, just be sure you are aware of your surroundings when you move into your new home.