There are a lot of house trends happening right now and we are not talking about design trends. We are talking about housing movements happening across the global. Some of the trends have become so popular, they are now tv shows.
Some house trends currently happening include: the tiny house, the eco friendly house, the passive housing trend, the urban
infill housing projects and the repurposed house.
Let’s start with The Tiny House…
Tiny House Trends:
We feel we’ve reached peak tiny house! These days you cannot turn your head or turn on the tube without bumping into some kind of micro dwelling. A plethora of reality shows have launched that include: Tiny House Hunters, Tiny House, Big Life, and Tiny House Nation. All of these shows document the trials and tribulations of a downsized life. On top of that – there are branch offs and spin offs of clothing challenges that follow the tiny home movement.
Are you ready to take the micro home challenge or do you know that you wouldn’t be able to swing a tiny living space?

The Eco Friendly House Trends:
These houses include bamboo material, water conservation taps, toilets and shower heads. Window treatments or windows that decrease drafts are typically used. These houses may or may not have solar roofing panels to help with power.
As the world becomes more and more environmentally aware, there’s no point in fighting it. Advertising your home as having some of the latest green improvements, will easily attract more high-end buyers.

The Passive Housing Trend:
Passive housing is a fairly new trend. Passive housing involves focusing on reducing energy consumption and improved energy efficiency. This construction goes beyond making a few eco-friendly renovations. It revolves around making every aspect of the home more energy efficient, and it can save you about 90 percent on energy, according to the Passive House Institute.
For those of you who have not heard of The Passive Housing trend- it is one of the most popular trends for building and renovating homes. Some find the whole thing a little too extreme, but others find that the saved energy costs and reduced carbon footprint are well worth the effort.

The Urban Infill House Trends:
In urban planning, infill is the rededication of land in an urban environment, usually open space, to new construction.
Rather then building further out and creating more urban sprawl – builders will redo a neighbourhood or a block to modernize the homes and reduce building on new land. Its detractors view it as overloading urban services, including increased traffic congestion and pollution, and decreasing urban green-space.

The Repurposed House Trends:
This housing concept takes an old structure and turns into a new modern abode. Some examples you may have seen include turning old warehouses into trendy lofts. There are a few here in Saskatoon you can check out such as the 2nd Avenue Lofts downtown, The Rumbly Building, or The Fairbanks Lofts.
In other parts of the world and country people are turning churches, old firehalls, old schools and barns into brand new homes with all the luxuries of a modern home.
We found an amazing site you can explore for re-purposed homes.