It sucks! Breaking up is hard to do. Not only that, but moving can also be challenging with the packing, hauling, unpacking, etc.
However, sometimes – you need to go!
How do you know when it is time to go though? How do you know when your current situation is no longer good for you? Well,
we’ve got some ideas. Hopefully this helps!
1. It’s Time To Sell Your Home When You & and Your Family Have Out Grown Your Home
If you are cramped. If you are fighting for space in the bathroom, kitchen and living room – that’s no way to live.
If you feel like a square peg in a circle hole in your home it would be great to look into getting a few more square feet for you and your family. You do not need to go crazy and add hundreds of square feet but moving from 1000sqft to 2200sqft can make all the difference.

2. If Your Lifestyle Has Changed – It’s Time To Move
If you used to be at home all the time working on your home, fixing items as they occurred, cutting grass and keeping up with upkeep but now find your self gone all time time and items slowly deteriorating… It’s probably time to go. If your life situation has changed and you are barley home – it might be great to get into a condo where there is no – to low – maintenance.

3. Remodelling Wont Yield Better Returns
You have the nicest home with the best upgrades on the block. However, if your neighbourhood is aging and the other homes are not keeping up to your expensive tastes you will never see the returns come out of your home.

4. Flexible Time Frame
If you have time to look for your ideal home and take time to find exactly what you need – it’s the perfect time to start looking for a home. Buying a new home is easy when you can do it at a leisurely pace.