Design Mistakes & How To Avoid Them!

People don’t get around to tackling a decorating project because they’re afraid to make mistakes. In order to put your fear aside we’ve highlighted the top 5 design mistakes that can affect your entire project. Once you know better, you do better. 


1.Purchasing Furniture Without Measuring

This is a huge one! Most people do not take the time to measure their space, green tape the floor and try to walk around | with the new measurements. However, It’s difficult to judge the scale of furniture when it’s sitting on a vast showroom floor. Homeowners are sometimes shocked to find that the beautiful sectional or coffee table or bed and end tables they saw in a showroom looks as though it eats up the entire room when it’s sitting in their home. 

How To Avoid The Mistake: Measure (or even mark with tape) the area available for each major piece so that you can figure out an acceptable size range.


2.Buying the Whole Set Of Everything

Most people feel they need to buy everything – couch, love seat, chair, even if their house cannot fit it. While this may be a shortcut to achieving a coordinated style without much thought, the results tend to have less appeal than a little mixing can provide. Mixing and matching is great for a home. Having a large couch and smaller chairs can look great! Buying a dining room table and getting a bench and two head chairs is also great. 


How To Avoid The Mistake: Do not buy everything from one place and do not buy everything from one designer. MIx things up when you can. 


3. Making Everything Feel Institutionalized

Having a lot of bold colors everywhere can be bad. It can overwhelm a home. But having everything in your house only white can make your home feel like an institution rather than a home. 

How To Avoid This Mistake: Add a pop of color. If everything in your kitchen is white add a pop of blue to the counter, tea towels, plates, etc to give your home a warm feeling. 


4. Keeping The Heirlooms

It can be hard to get rid of clutter from yesteryear. Especially if that clutter was a hand – me down, an heirloom, or something from someone you loved. However, if that china cabinet or chest of drawers does not fit your home or your evolving taste, it can be time to part with it. Not only will you be updating your home, you might also be helping out your kids by purging things now. You never know – that china cabinet could be worth a lot of money and could bring you joy by updating your whole house. 

How To Avoid This Mistake: Leave the past in the past. Look towards the future and what that holds. If past items no longer serve you, it’s ok to say goodbye!


5. Going Big and Bold Everywhere

A little pop of color here and there are perfect accents for your house! Big bold paint and furniture in every room can overwhelm people. Yourself included. If you love big bold colors be sure to add them to places in your home, but do so strategically!

How To Avoid This Mistake: Color, color and more color might be the look you are going for, but most people do not find that theme comforting. Before you redo your room, paint every room and buy the big bold furniture, use software designed to help you plan out your design. Once you see your vision on a screen and can envision the look, make decisions on colors from there. 

As always, if you need help buying or selling your home do not hesitate to reach out to Gregg Bamford or Ryan Bamford.

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