First impressions and lasting impressions are key to hooking a potential buyer into a sale. Be extra cautious during the winter months of things that may be off putting to potential buyers.
Here are some tips to maximize the selling potential of your house this winter.
1) Prepare For Your Buyers
Prepare to shovel your driveway all day if it is snowing. Dump ice on the side walk to ensure no one slips and falls before entering your humble abode.
Keep the inside of your home clean by creating a space for wet and dirty shoes. No one likes having wet socks, so if buyers enter your home and step in puddles, you’ve already created a negative feeling. Keep a large shoe mat by the door to ensure your feet (and potential buyers feet) stay cozy and warm.
Keep this same tactic in mind for jackets, hats and scarves. If a potential buyer enters your home and there is no storage for their items this could be a deterrent for them.

2) Set The Mood
If it is blistery snowy day make it a warm cozy and inviting environment in your house. It may be great to have some hot apple cider mulling in a slow cooker. Not only will the aroma entice buyers, but having a warm beverage to be welcome with sets an ambient inviting atmosphere.
Wind is a problem in Saskatchewan during the winter months so if your potential buyer has been listening to howling wind for part of their trek to your house attempt to have some lounge beats quietly playing on the sound system or in the kitchen.

3) Let Their Be Light
Winter is dark. It’s dark when we wake up. It’s dark when we come home from work so change the tune. Put your outdoor lights. If you have Christmas lights out and up put them on as well.
If you have dimmers in your house turn all the lights on and set the dimmers to an appropriate light. You don’t want to blind the potential buyers during the winter months, but you do want them to feel light and bright while walking through your house.

4) How’s The Temperature
We know it’s cold and snow and blowy outside so how is the temperature of the inside of your home? We suggest turning the thermostat up a little bit.
Don’t make it so hot that people are sweltering in the heat of your home, but ensure when people walk through the doors they feel a warm glow.
If you have a fireplace -make sure it is working and creating heat.